A House



設計師郭俠邑說:「雖然是一個工作空間,我希望給人們回到家中,溫暖、回歸的初衷般,建構人與人、人與環境的密切關係。」經過翻新的建築,最大限度減少能源浪費。斜屋頂延伸出的外觀造型,與家的型態相似。 這是個從住家延伸到工作室的概念,工作也可以和家一般,人在此可以產生密切的情感。

紅磚牆是東方古樸的氛圍,原本舊的紅磚牆外,建築師再新砌一層新紅磚牆,兩層紅磚牆中間,保留中空,中間的空氣隔絕了室外的熱傳導,形成有效的高冷溫斷橋效應。 同時特別在西曬的西面,運用德國蓋柯板(KAINKER),保留室外與室內的互動光影,一方面阻斷空氣與輻射熱的傳導,一方面在古樸中添加一點想像力。


經過翻新的建築將能源需求降到最低,採用高優質絕緣建築材料,加上朝南的坐向大大提高了建築圍護結構以保持熱能。根據計算,此棟翻新後的建築一年能源使用于冷、暖氣、通風、管線和照明一共預計只需43kWh / m2a。




投資建設:禾邑 陳增華
考工概念:青埕設計 郭俠邑
設計主創:建築師 陳文峯、亞邑設計 孫建亞、青埕設計 郭俠邑、西濤工作室TAO&C(依年齡排序)
總體規劃:青埕設計 郭俠邑
方案配合:昱景設計 小野良介(日)、建築科學研究院 王凱團隊
建築設計:青埕設計 郭俠邑
景觀顧問:CN Flower 凌宗湧、瀚世景觀 賴連取、庭匠 王治
識別定位:青埕設計 郭俠邑
軟裝配飾:獅享傢具Mike Loh(新)法視界 黃珊
Active House主動式建築顧問:中國建築學會主動式建築學術委員會 郭成林
Active House主動式建築評估:上海建築設計研究院 李建強團隊
能源顧問及機電設計:境益咨詢 尹雪琴團隊
BIM顧問:藍茵科技 路明團隊

Project design director Ryan Kuo said : Although this is a workspace, I hope to bring people a home feeling- feeling warm and safe. This allows one to build a close relationship between people and the environment.The appearance of the sloping roof is like a home.

Part of this is a concern for the environment. We want to renovate buildings in a way that minimizes energy waste. This is a concept that extends from home to a work place. Work can be like a home where people can generate close relations.

Outside the old red brick wall, the architect decided to build a new layer of the red brick wall. The middle of the two red brick walls remains hollow. The air in the middle isolates the outdoor heat conduction and forms effective isolation with benefit for the building.Meanwhile, using German KANEKER technology, the west side wall was kept to preserve the interaction between the outdoor and the indoor. It not only blocks the conduction of air and radiant heat, but also adds a clever spin to a traditional design.

For the landscape, Rice field is in the memory of South of Yangtze River. A small farm in front of the building makes a joyful and harmony living space for the employees. It implies the concept of the building “grains and towns”. Provide workplaces with "Home feel" and "Ambience”. Then we are never far away from home.

Daylight is the main design feature of this building. It employs not only façade windows, but also skylights in the atriums, which improve the daylight environment at the inner area.

Energy saving lamp and automatic lighting system are used for saving light energy. As calculated, the energy consumption of the building is expected to reach 43kwh/m2a for cooling, heating, ventilation, plumbing and lighting annually.

This building is refurbished following the 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) principle. It is part of old structure and walls are conserved. The demolished bricks and concrete are applied to the construction.

Architecture + interior + aesthetics + craft + health + planting + interaction + solar terms + nature.

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